Available Rentals

Rental Agreement and Conditions

When you choose to rent within Woodcrest, you're agreeing to adhere to the following conditions:

  • All Woodcrest tenants and subtenants must follow the rules of the sim, as well as the Linden Labs TOS. Repeated violations of any rules could result in permanent banishment plus termination of your rental unit without a refund.
  • Any rentals designated as a "Shop" are intended for storefront/shop use only! Do not use shop units as a residential home.
  • Shops are for RP purposes only. Do not actually sell merchandise or services for L$ without approval from a Woodcrest staff member.

Land Group Membership

  • Tenants and subtenants must be in the group titled "Woodcrest Landgroup". Otherwise, objects will be automatically returned. Invites will only be sent after a unit is paid.
  • If your rental meter won't invite you to the group, contact a Woodcrest staff member.

Decorating and Prim Usage

  • Tenants must be lag-conscious when decorating. We hold the right to return any rezzed objects that are found to cause excessive lag to our sims.
  • Permanent prims must remain within the parcel or room boundaries. Any unauthorized or stray prims found beyond rented property will be returned.
  • Pets and vehicles: You may temporarily rez one while you are RPing. However, please do not leave pets or vehicles permanently rezzed, including inside your unit.
  • If your rental expires, your items will be returned.

Fees and Rates

  • All rentals on the London Docks Sim use the following rate for pricing: L$2.5 per prim, plus a flat L$25 maintenance fee.
  • Prim limits may be upgraded in increments of 10. Maximum limits are based upon unit type and prim availability.

Privacy and Security

  • Woodcrest is a roleplay community. Privacy could be affected by players looking to interact. However, players may not enter your residency without permission (residential units only - does not apply to shops). Report trespassers to a moderator immediately.
  • Security orbs are not allowed.

Additional Terms

  • Subletting is prohibited.
  • There are no refunds. Only credit transfer from one unit to another.
  • If you fail to pay your rent within your unit's "overdue" period, then continue renting the same unit, we may remove time from your meter equal to the overdue period. This is done in fairness to other renters, so nobody gets "free rental time".
Woodcrest Rental Covenant, v1.1