Greek Council Charter


The goal of Greek Council is to create a meeting space and opportunity for the Greek House Leaders to get together, bond and discuss matters of importance to Greek life at Woodcrest University. Through these meetings we can ensure that all houses work united together and can build the best environment for our brothers and sisters on campus fostering good relations and supporting the roleplay between houses. The Greek Council is NOT a regulatory body. Specific rules of house structure and operation are the preview of the institution and the Dean of Students.


All registered student fraternities or sororities at Woodcrest University are eligible to join the Greek Council upon successful start up and selecting of house leadership.


Greek Council and all meetings of Greek Council are limited to the following individuals:

  1. The House President(s), Vice President(s) and Social Chairs. (The house in charge that quarter can have their secretary present for minutes)
  2. A designate from the house if a President or Vice-President is unable to attend.
  3. Any invited guests, as approved by a majority vote of the Greek Council.

Each house has a maximum of two votes. Individuals who are able to vote on agenda items or topics are as follows:

  1. The President and Vice President of each house.
  2. A designate of the President or Vice President of a house, if the president or Vice-President are unavailable,


  1. The Greek Council will create a space where house leadership can discuss freely and in private matters that involve Greek life, their houses, issues and ideas for all of us to work on together and make a better Greek life on campus. It is meant for bonding, brainstorming and cooperation as a unified community. Greek Council will facilitate the planning and operation of the quarterly Rush events and two other community events yearly. The expectation is that the various house Social Chairs will provide the most effort in those areas.

  2. Meetings will be run by Greek Council members. Meeting minutes and notes will be recorded and provided to all members including the school administration (Sim Admin) in the group. The meetings will be chaired by a different house on a quarterly rotation. The house change over will take place at the start of each Rush as they are all on the 1st of the month for that quarter. Commencing 1 Aug 2024 the rotation will be as follows DOE, DAM, TAO, Tri Pi, SEX. The council will meet regularly at least once per month. The expectation is that mods or sim admin will not run the meetings or take active parts in the discussions, but they will receive the minutes and obviously hold the right to attend when required. If a house is removed from Greek Council, the next house in line will take over responsibilities for that quarter. If a new house is added it will be placed on the list at the end of the rotation so that they have time to get adjusted before taking over.

The council will try and hold at least once per quarter and open forum meeting for all members of Greek Life.

  1. Agenda items will be provided in advance as best as possible, however new business can still be brought up at meetings.

  2. As stated above, each house will have two (2) votes on any topic. If a house has more than one President or Vice-President, that house must select which 2 individuals will have voting rights at the meeting. Voting on all items will be done by a majority vote. In the absence of a President or Vice President attending representation submits both proxy votes.

  3. A quorum for holding votes at any meeting will be 50 percent of the available voting members. If that quorum is not met, no items will be voted on.

  4. Greek Council will have voting rights over all matters of Greek Life at large, including Rush, and will work together to ensure the Greek life experience is positive and fulfilling for all members. However, the council will not dictate how any house conducts their internal house business. We understand and accept that every house is different and that diversity is our strength. The council will, work together with struggling houses to ensure all houses have an optimal environment for success. In the end, Sim Administration will have the final ability to overrule any decision of Greek Council if necessary on any and all matters. Any issues that the council may have with an active house will be discussed and if needed raised to the school administration (Sim Moderators) for proper handling. Issues of a sensitive nature must be discussed in closed session in order to protect those involved.

  5. All members of Greek Council will respect each other and listen with an open mind to all ideas and conversations brought forward.

  6. All discussions at Greek Council are understood to be IC unless the topic warrants an OOC side discussion. (Example: Sim related issues such as prim counts etc.) A specific motion to go OOC must be presented and accepted so that all present understand and are aware.

  7. Any amendments to this Charter will require two weeks of prior notice written notice, For changes, a quorum as defined above (para. 8) must be present. Two a thirds (2/3) super majority vote of present members is required for approval.

  8. All recommended policy changes mad by Greek Council must be submitted to the school Administration (Sim Admin) for approval before enactment. Once voted on and approved by School Administration (Sim Admin), these rules are to be followed by members of the Greek community.

Approved by unanimous vote of the council 18 September 2024