Woodcrest Community Call For Ideas

Woodcrest Community Call For Ideas

Hello Woodcrest Community!

As you've likely noticed, there's significant development happening around our sim, and we're excited to take this momentum further by tapping into our greatest resource—you!

We want to know what would make Woodcrest exceptional from your perspective. Beyond just creating spaces to explore, we're seeking insights on what experiences, events, and changes would enhance your roleplay and deepen your involvement in our university and town.

Your vision is crucial to making our community thrive. To capture every valuable suggestion, we've created a brief questionnaire designed to collect your thoughts, ideas, and feedback:

• Have a detailed plan? Share it!
• Working on a rough concept? We want to see it!
• Notice something that could be improved? Tell us!

Don't worry about perfect phrasing—just share what comes to mind, and we'll work with it. If your idea is best expressed visually, feel free to include screenshots or images (gyazo or links only though!)

Community Call For Ideas