Rosalind Parker

124 lbs

Academic Information

School Year

Academic Details

Rosalind doesn’t jump at the chance to join clubs or organizations that involve excessive enthusiasm or team spirit. However, she does engage in a few low-key activities that allow her to maintain her reserved yet observant lifestyle. She participates in a campus book club that focuses on existential literature, where discussions are held in a deliciously sarcastic tone—her favorite kind of dialogue.

Occasionally, she dabbles in writing short stories, often incorporating her dry humor and sardonic views on life at university. While she might not be the head of any cheering squads or campus committees, her experience in the uniquely bizarre world of higher education offers her endless material for her creative pursuits. So, while her extracurriculars may not be conventional, they fit perfectly into her own unapologetically intense and sarcastic narrative.

Employment Details

Rosalind serves as the receptionist at Woodcrest University, a position she describes as a front-row seat to the chaos of student life. Responsible for greeting visitors, answering inquiries, and managing the reception area, she typically occupies this post with a notable blend of sarcasm and resignation. While she answers the phone and directs curious students, she also masterfully dodges small talk like it's an Olympic sport.

Though her hours occasionally feel like an eternity, she does her best to maintain a sense of dry humor, offering logistical assistance with a side of eye rolls. This role allows her to stay connected to the student body while simultaneously providing ample material for her personal library of snarky observations.


Rosalind, a sophomore majoring in Psychology, strikes a balance between intense focus and casual indifference. Hailing from a small town, she often finds herself nursing a coffee in the reception area while contemplating life’s great mysteries—or just the fact that she's stuck here. With a penchant for dry humor, she excels at turning the mundane into the absurd, often giving fellow students a glimpse into the bizarre world of academia through her sarcastic takes on university life.

Though her social life is more of a distant mirage than a reality, she maintains a unique presence on campus, serving as a silent observer amidst the chaos of student activities. Rosalind isn’t one for joining clubs or making small talk; instead, she embraces her role as the university’s unofficial cynic, armed with a quip for every occasion. When she’s not at her post, you can find her buried in a book, plotting her next escape from the confines of niceties.

Her fierce independence and biting wit make her a breath of fresh air in the often overly enthusiastic atmosphere of university life. Whether you’re in need of directions or a sarcastic commentary on the latest campus event, Rosalind is your go-to source—just don’t expect her to break a smile while doing it.
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